Tag Archives: radio

Morrissey Releases Three New Solo Tracks from Forthcoming Album

By Mary Redstone

The pieces of Morrissey’s forthcoming album are not easily falling into place. The former Smiths frontman has not yet found a label to release the already-completed album and confesses “My talents do not lie in D.I.Y.”

Morrissey, having trouble finding a label for his new album, released three new tracks on Tuesday. / Image courtesy of Entertainment Weekly

But rather than starve his fans of new music while he searches for a worthwhile label, he decided yesterday to release three songs off the album to BBC Radio.

The entire interview, including the three songs, is available for streaming on Janice Long’s BBC Radio page here.

The three songs were not debuted as tracks off the album, but rather as live performances. They have been individually uploaded to YouTube for those who do not wish to listen to the entire podcast.

The three tracks are Action is My Middle Name, People Are the Same Everywhere, and The Kid’s a Looker.

Each songs’ sound is distinctly Morrissey, and should hold fans over until the album finally does get released.